Friday, 20 November 2009

Stoat news and a poim

just now i be gettin my winter caot
then i be a ermine not a stoat
wehn i catch a wabet then the ermine
eat the vermine

ow do you like that then

i like that don marqius he be very godd
you know any stoat poims let me know you i like to se em


  1. Like it! I'll see if I can come up with one of my own, stoaty.

  2. Hi again Stoaty. I haven't got a poem of my own (yet), but I found one you might like at

  3. BTW, have you really got a whte coat now? We don't get snow for long on the Island, so it wouldn't help you much.

  4. that be a good poim i recons but you human poeple be a strang lot

    wyh wold he want to stop the staot eatin the wabbit i asks i wonders what he wuold say if a wabeet run off with his bruger

    a stoat got to aet just like a man got to

    but still twas a good poim

  5. ah yuo be right about the snow i ant realy got a winter coat of irmen but i stil got my thick winter woolies on

    i spose you can call it peotic lisence
