Sunday, 14 November 2010

stoats talk abot the weather too

it ent judst you people folks you know the waewther be an impiretant topic to su stoats too as we have to be out in it if  be goin to eat             well it ben wet andwindy on theisland an no mistalke i ben hangoin on with al four paws someimews it be a long way back upi if goes over the cliff        bein a very small creture i dont fall tooofast an i probably wld go right to the sea anbe all right so long as the sae dont wash me away

i feels very sorry for all theypoor peolpe out east wher i hear they be haviun the water in there houwses an all     i hopes the rewst of you be lookin afdter em

tis very qiuet upi herenow the battereis bn closed for the winter     i be movin further afield without woryyin so muchabout cars an grockles getttin in myway    just the wind anteh rain to contendwoith

ah welll i must get offout agian     wabbits dont castch theirselves